2019 ☾☼ The Year of The Empress + The Hanged One ☼☾
2019 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12 (The Hanged One) ~ 1 + 2 = 3 (The Empress)
Seventh Sphere Tarot de Marseille deck
This year is quite the combo. The Hanged One meets The Empress and many questions come about.
The Empress brings the environment into focus. Our material reality. How are we working to make this world a more beautiful place? Be in tune with the earth, hold meditations with nature and spirit. Ground yourself with aragonite crystals and herbal teas.
“I believe in the radical possibilities of pleasure, babe.” ~Bikini Kill
Sensuality and pleasure play a key role in this year. What lessons have we been taught about our sexuality? What do we need to unlearn? Are we pleasing ourselves? Of course the root of all of this is self love. What have we done for ourselves today? Deep fulfillment is the goal.
Creativity and projects are an important part of The Empress’s reign. She calls for beauty, abundance and a fertile garden. Pay attention to the details. As well as who is around you. What is The Empress without her community? Create a nest of loved ones, people that are on your side for the highest good.
THE EMPRESS ♀️ Film photography by Adora Wilson-Eye + Hair/Makeup by Lindsay Bauman
I sat in meditation one day as The Fool. I came across The Hanged Man. He acknowledged me and then jumped off his position on the tree. He did a little dance. While he was a serious character, he brought humor to all situations. He reminded me of the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. “Which way should I go?” I asked. “Well, you can go this way, or this way, or that way!” he answered. ☜ ➹ ☟⤴ ☞
This year, when life shifts perspective and shows you all of the options, do your best to stay calm. Be in the present. The Hanged One appears when we need to take time to see all the possibilities. No need for final action or decision making right away. EXPLORE ALL OPTIONS. Use your intuition as a guide.
THE HANGED ONE asks us to inquire. Film photography by Adora Wilson-Eye + Hair/Makeup by Lindsay Bauman
The World also makes an appearance. 12 is 21 backwards, and also adds up to 3. So within this configuration is The Empress, The Hanged One and The World.
Forge female friendships. Honor the divine feminine within. Film photography by Adora Wilson-Eye + Hair/Makeup by Lindsay Bauman
♥♥♥ Happy 2019 + Lunar New Year ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Get in touch if you’d like a Tarot reading ♥♥♥